Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello Paula Smith!

If I am supposed to help clients with AdWords then I should possess some proficiency myself, right? :)

Paula, hopefully you get a kick out of this act! I hope, I believe that we've known each other long enough to transcend the mere "job-beggar" phase into a genuine relationship. After all, relationships transcend the vagaries of application cycles and weather. Relationships are warm and bright. 

Whether you share these relationships with clients, your co-workers, or those intern-rejects-that-never-seem-to-go-away (ahem), they're warm because you enjoy them. I enjoyed making this blog as much as I've enjoyed sharing every interaction with you, Drake, Tyler, and Kevin (IU BOLD representation!). And what better way to share something than making it publicly available on the Internet!

Hopefully this message brightened up your day!


Ronald AngSiy

P.S. I do not take full credit for this creative shenanigan. Only for a more "relevant" application of it!

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